The Telemachus Story Archive

The Submission and Enslavement of Superman
Part 3 - Chapter Three
By SHeroNY
Email: SHeroNY

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“Begin the preparations!,” the doctor barked to his subordinates.

With those words, a handful of laboratory technicians in white coats scurried from one machine to another, typing commands at a computer terminal or reading results from a monitor. With a lurch, the table began to recline until it was almost completely horizontal, leaving Superman to stare at the ceiling above, the ominous instruments now dangling over him.

“Hey! … What’s ... going ... on … ?,” the restrained superhero groggily asked aloud as the techs moved in almost a blur around the table from one machine to the next. Superman tried to sit up and free his wrists from their bonds but, alas without his super-powers nor his super-strength, our hero was going nowhere.

“Well, since you asked …” the mad scientist answered, walking over and lustfully looking down upon the naked superhero, “ … I am going to initiate the next phase of my experimentation. I am going to transform your muscular body into my own personal fighting machine. For you, Superman, are about to join my army of mindlessly obedient super soldiers!”

At that same moment, a lab technician injected the contents of a large hypodermic needle with a kryptonite tip into Superman’s muscular forearm. “Nooooo”, the helpless hero cried out as a green-colored serum drained from the syringe directly into his vein. Soon the doctor’s secret potion was flowing throughout our hero’s entire body, including his brain.

The superhero winced in pain from the injection, then immediately began to moan, distracting him from the heinous news that he had just been given, “OooooooHhhhhhh … ”

“The serum now coursing throughout your veins is a special concoction that I have created just for this occasion, Superman,” Dr. Sklavnmeister took great pleasure in informing his prisoner. The mad scientist then stood back and watched as Superman’s pallor turned the slightest shade of green from the strange fluids invading his blood cells. This confirmed that the toxic chemicals were already starting to take effect.

As his complexion soon began to change color right before his blurry eyes, a shocked Man of Steel tried to scream out in horror. But, surrendering to his growing fatigue, all Superman could do was groan in exhaustion, “Errrrggghhhh … “

The doctor smiled and condescendingly gave Superman a pat on the head, as if he were his pet. “Now just try to relax, hero. There‘s no reason to get so upset. You see, this particular formula also contains a rather strong dose of liquid kryptonite … especially for you, Superman, … as an added precaution. The internal exposure to this extra ingredient is what caused your skin to turn green, superhero. But it is just a temporary side-effect, I can assure you. Your pigmentation will return to its normal hue in an hour or two. Of course, by then, you won‘t even remember what you used to look like … so I guess it won‘t really matter to you then, now will it?”

The drugged superhero opened his mouth to shout at the doctor, but soon found himself incapable of even saying the words, “Whhhaaaa … AaaaahhhhhhhHhh … “

“Don’t even bother to speak, Superman. Just lie back and listen to the doctor!” Even though Dr. Sklavnmeister knew that his chemically-impaired patient was no longer able to fully understand what he was telling him, he told him of his plans anyway, “My scientifically advanced procedure is about to turn you into a whole new man, superhero! By the time it‘s all over, even your physical appearance will be radically different. Yes, as hard as it may be to believe, your body will become much bigger, much stronger, more muscular, and even more powerful than it was before. In fact, the ‘new’ Superman will make the ‘old’ Superman look like a 98 pound weakling!”

In his current state of mind, Superman wasn’t quite sure what the doctor was saying to him, but he knew that he didn’t like the sound of it one bit. He wanted to voice his anger but, thanks to the debilitating drugs now saturating his very brain, the only thing he could do now is babble incoherently, “Urrrrgghhhhh …. “.

“But you shall not only change physically, Superman. Soon your mind will undergo dramatic changes as well. Your brain will be severely altered by my serum to more easily accept the orders and directions from my computers, just like my soldiers over there. These computers will be able to tap into your thoughts, remove your free will, erase your memories, and readjust your personality as I see fit. After your mental reprogramming is complete, you will know nothing more than a life of total obedience to me, your new master. You will become a lifeless zombie, a mere robot compliant to my every wish and command. You will obey me without question and serve at my side in helping me to achieve my goals and dreams … ,” the mad scientist said as he was becoming aroused at the thought of controlling what was once the world’s most powerful superhero.

Of course, Superman was in no position to put up much of a fight. In fact, it took almost all of his strength just to release a sigh, “UUuuuuuHhhhhh …”

“Now, let the doctor do his work, my reluctant patient. Soon it will be all over and you will be better than ever! I promise … ,” The mad scientist snickered, then signaled to the chief lab assistant, who began fitting Superman’s rugged body with some delicate equipment for the process. First, he attached some electrodes to Superman’s big round nipples. The steel-toothed tit clamps were connected to some wires which raced up to the ceiling and disappeared amid the mass of other cables. The doctor nodded his approval.

Then, his lab assistant grabbed Superman‘s flaccid penis and began to stroke it, probably deriving some sick pleasure from fondling the manhood of the mightiest superhero on Earth. As soon as it was firm enough, he retracted the uncut superhero’s foreskin and cleansed the prepuce with an antiseptic wipe, causing a completely oblivious Superman to stir for a moment. After he had sterilized the urethral orifice, the medical technician reached for a unusual catheter-like instrument and inserted it expertly into the head of the unsuspecting hero‘s now-stiff dick. At the other end of the urological device was a drip chamber. It was filled with a Viagra-laced formula which flowed from the long, thin tube directly into his urinary meatus. The sexually stimulating chemicals would help Superman maintain his erection throughout the entire procedure.

Next, the doctor’s assistant took a big, thick, metallic phallic-shaped object and lubed it up with a lust-inducing gel, then slid it slowly but forcefully into Superman‘s virgin butt, ever so careful not to cause any damage to the sensitive walls of his anus. Another set of electrical wires led from the mechanical fucking contraption to one of the computers. The Man of Steel let out a soft moan, as much an instinctive reaction to feeling the cool chrome dildo enter his previously unpenetrated asshole as it was in resignation to the fact that there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Finally, the medical technician walked over to a workbench behind Superman’s head and picked up a strange looking helmet. It was constructed of a smooth steel exterior, save for a set of lights on the front that were currently inactive. The helmet was actually quite heavy and lined on the inside with a set of thin metal contact pads. The pads were interspersed throughout the helmet with microchips, diodes and other sorts of highly-advanced technology. The doctor’s subordinate gently placed the helmet on the hero’s head so that it fit snugly yet firmly, covering his forehead and ears, the metal pads making contact with his scalp, temples, and the back of his neck. Superman slowly shook his head from side to side, trying unsuccessfully to keep the technician from putting the device on him. The tech held the superhero’s head still with one hand while plugging a series of wires into the helmet which were connected to a computer stationed just a few feet from the table. After he was through, the lab assistant stepped back and looked at the doctor, who again nodded, then dismissed him with a wave of the hand.

Dr. Sklavnmeister then stepped forward, looking over his subject, taking in every inch of Superman’s restrained, subjugated body, his head, nipples, cock, and ass now all linked to his machines. The evil scientist walked over to the main computer workstation to check the status monitors and readouts lining the wall in front of him. Everything appeared to be ready. The diabolical doctor rested his hand on a large mechanical lever as the technicians backed away from the table in a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. The doctor closed his eyes, swallowed hard, and took a deep breath as The Man of Steel turned his head towards him. The superhero made eye contact with the doctor one last time as a look of both fear and rage came across his face. The mad scientist smiled smugly and pulled the switch, sending the process into motion and changing our hero’s life forever.

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